Art Stream Videos


Q: I'm an artist. How can I stream my works of art in homes and businesses?

A: First Register. This allows you to upload one image. Please make sure your image follows our specifications below. Then call us at 805-453-4037. We will discuss your specific goals and activate your account for additional images.

Specification: All of your images must be in JPG, JPEG, or PNG format. We do not yet support TIFF/TIF. The smallest dimension of the image must be at least 3000 pixels to support zooming. Save at the highest resolution possible. This results in a total file size of approximately 8 MB to 50 MB. If possible, save in sRGB color space. No image file can exceed 70 MB.

If your photographs are too low resolution, please have them re-photographed or scanned professionally. In Albuquerque, NM we recommend Pat Carr Imaging phone: 505-880-8124. In Santa Fe, NM we recommend High Desert Arts phone: 505-982-9875.

Q: How do I transfer my files to Art Stream Videos?

A: After you register, simply call us at 805-452-4037. This is critical since we need to discuss your specific needs. Then after your account is established, we will add additional permissions to our View/Upload utility allowing you to upload all your images. You (or a member of our team) will enter [meta] data about each work of art (i.e. title, size, and medium) and contact information, so interested buyers can contact you directly. 

Alternatively, you can send us a link to the location of your files, and information about each image. We can upload the files for you at no cost during our beta period which ends in Q3, 2024.

Q: How do I find and play my videos on Roku?

A: If you already have a Roku-TV or standalone Roku box, just add our channel, Art Stream Videos. OR, use your Roku remote and press the Home button, then:

  • Scroll down to “Search”
  • Enter art [space] stream 
  • Use the right arrow button to select our channel: “Art Stream Videos“
    To play all “Fine Art and Photography” select any starting image and press “Play All“.

Q: I want to play your main playlist on my new HD TV, especially during dinner parties, but after about 1 hour I get a bouncing Roku logo.

A: Roku has built-in timeout (screen saver) function that causes the default bouncing Roku logo to appear after a period of time. To fix it, use your Roku remote and select: “Settings” then “Screensaver” then “Wait time” then “Disable screensaver.” NOTE: this issue may no longer exist on newer versions.

Alternatively, press the moon icon on your Roku remote and set “Sleep timer” to OFF.

Q: I want to contact one of your artists but her contact information scrolls by too fast. How do I stop the video?

A: Use your Roku remote and press the Pause button. Then press it again to restart Art Stream Videos.

You can also press the Fast Forward button or the Back button to advance to the next video, or repeat the last video.

Q: How are payments and cancelling my subscription handled?

A: Until late Q3 2024 our service is free to artists, photographers, and small galleries. Then monthly recurring payments will be handled via PayPal.  We also accept credit cards, via PayPal.

You can end your payments at any time. In that case, just Contact Us. or call 805-452-4037. If you cancel, we will remove your videos from Roku within 30 days.

Q: What are “Active Images”?

A: Active Images are the number of images you have uploaded. For example, If you have a Gallery Standard subscription, giving you a maximum of fifteen (15) videos, and you have uploaded 9 images, then you have 9 active images (“active” equals uploaded).

Q: What are “Converted Images”?

A: Converted images are the number of your active images that have been converted to videos. For example, If you have a Gallery Standard subscription, and you have uploaded 9 of 15 images, and 8 of these images have been converted into videos, then you have 8 converted images.

Q: What are “Unconverted Images”?

A: Unconverted images are the number of your active images that have not yet been converted to videos. For example, If in the previous example, you have a Gallery Standard subscription, and you have uploaded 9 of 15 images, and 8 of your 9 uploaded (active) images have been converted into videos, then you have 8 converted images and 1 unconverted image.

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