See Art Stream Videos in Hotels and Restaurants

Are you a Hotel or Restaurant?

We are partnering with fine hotels, restaurants, Airbnbs, and other businesses who want to provide “eye candy” to their customers in waiting or dining areas.

We can optionally insert your messages, advertisements, menus, etc. in between our art videos.

And we can provide Roku-TV installation services in dining rooms and hotel lobbies in many areas. Contact Us.

Option #1

You have two major choices: 1. Play our channel “as is” for FREE on Roku TVs mounted in your lobby or throughout your entire facility as entertainment. Trust us: gorgeous photography and art, especially with panning and zooming, is far more interesting than CNN with the sound off. AND you have NO per TV costs with as with other digital signage systems.

If you already have a Roku-TV or standalone Roku box, just add our channel, Art Stream Videos. Play our “Play All” Art Stream Videos Roku channel playlist in your lobby or waiting areas as entertainment. That’s it! There is no cost. Associate your restaurant or hotel brand with art and photography and simultaneously support artists and photographers.

Option #2

With the second option, you can update your content periodically. Your TVs can be either a standard flat screen HD TV or a more rugged Commercial TV depending on the reliability standards in your particular environment and budget. We can also accommodate smaller venues such as Airbnbs. For additional information, call us at +1-805-452-4037.

Or, for a monthly fee, we can integrate your content in a custom playlist. This provides vacation rentals, small resorts, hotels and other venues with sound-free art video entertainment in between custom messaging. Your content can be menus, images of food, local maps, scenery, specials, local entertainment, and related advertisements (with or without sound). 

Technical Partners

Technical Partners Art Stream Videos

Businesses interested this second option sign up as a “gallery.” Then provide us with your images or video files. We will integrate your content with our art videos to create your own custom playlist. We can also create videos from your image files.

So What are You Waiting for?

Call us at 805-452-4037 to discuss your specific needs. Or email with a short proposal.

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